Finding the lost, I always ask myself who are the lost and how am I to search for them or find them, when the great teachers welcomes the tax collectors and the bad people, the Pharisees and the teacher’s of law began to complain, look at this man (Jesus) welcomes bad people and even eat with them. Then Jesus makes an illustration that if one of you has 100 sheep and you lost one at of it, won't you leave the 99 sheep alone and keep looking everywhere for the lost sheep until you find it and when you find it you will call everybody and says I have found my lost sheep come and rejoice with me because I am verily happy, this parables illustrate Christ love for us if one sinner repent and change his or her heart, heaven is happy because their is more joy for that one sinner than their is for the 99 good people that don’t need to change their hearts. Don’t let us say this person is a sinner and I am a believer we are not in the same caliber because he or she is bad and you’re good Jesus let us know sinners are like a lost sheep we as a believe we need to find them and bring them home.
                Messiah once tells peter to remember that the door is always open for whoever knocks to enter. Don’t let us run away from them be closer to them makes friends with them and even eat with them but don’t practice what they do or any sins they practice just find away to make them believe in God, sinners are so precious in the eyes of the lord and he even place a value on it, suppose a woman as ten silver coins and loses one of them the woman we take a light and clean the whole house to look for the lost coin but when she finds it, she will call all is friends and neighbor I have found my lost coin be happy with me, same way the angels of God are very happy when one sinners changes his or her heart. many of us knows about the prodigal son who collect is own share of his father property even before is father die and went to another mans land to enjoy is life and when he blow up is own share and life was really hard for him he thought of going back home to apologies to his father that is not worthy to be called his son but is servant but instead for his father to be angry with him he welcome him home and even says to his servant to bring the best clothe and dress him and put a ring in is hand and bring our fat calf we will kill it and have plenty to eat. Then we can have party!
                      My son was dead, but now he is alive again! He was lost, but now he is found! The man was happy because his son as repented and come back home to ask forgiveness from his father, and his father was happy to have his son back. In the same way with God he his always happy when a sinner changes his or heart, lets lay our heart down for Christ lets love him more than anything he should always come first before anything because he loves us so much to give is only begotten son to die for our sins, child of GOD lets lay down our life for Christ because he is the only way the truth and the light. A similar truth is often seen in reaching the lost. Our perseverance, collide with God- given wisdom concerning how we approach the lost, could lead to the salvation of someone God treasures highly. Let us participate in Gods plan by wining the heart of a lost soul so that we can share in joy that fills the heavenly realm.  I am so full of joy right now because I was once a sinner that only care about wordily things but now am free from the bondage am a believer that’s willing to lay down is life for Christ and serve him as my only savior as the love of my life no one but him and noting can come between me and my God I adore you so much father thank you for everything you have done for me despite all my sins against you, you still accept me as your son, thank you father may your holy name be praise. now am finally back home. 

                                                                                                                               written by olamide
